I was born in Russia but grew up in Philly. How'd that happen? You might ask. Well, my parents were circus performers. Not kidding. (Click here for proof.) Which means I was forced to run away with the circus when I was a kid. 


Fast forward a few years. After getting my B.A. in Film Studies in London, I moved to San Francisco. There I worked a colorful range of jobs. From a temp position in an international shipping company to a production assistant.


Then life brought me to advertising and the land of bratwursts, a.k.a. Germany, where I worked as a copywriter for five years for brands like Mercedes, Panasonic, eBay, VW, Dial, and Telekom.


And at this very moment, you can find me doing copywriting acrobatics in Madrid, Spain. 

And obsessing with film photography

So, if you want to say hi or want to know which circus my parents worked for, drop me a line here: jgapon@gmail.com.

Or here: LinkedIn.

(Below is a picture of me in my happy place.)
